CV, biography

born in 1989 in Havlíckuv Brod
lives and works in Prague, Czech republic
2010 - 2014 - Academy of fine arts in Prague, studio Painting 1, prof. J.Sopko
2013 - Academy of fine arts in Munich, studio Painting, prof. Günther Förg
2012 - Academy of fine arts in Prague, studio Graphic 2, prof. V. Kokolia
2008 - 2010 - Academy of fine arts in Prague, studio Painting, prof. Zdenek Beran
2004 - 2008 - High art school of graphic propagation, Jihlava
Partitipation in the Leinemann Stiftung, Berlin art prize
2021 - Residency in Krems an der Donau, Kunstmeile Kems, Austria, from August to October
2018 – Residency in Schwandorf, Germany, April
Diplomanti AVU 2014
Modravé klesání, Adeko 2014
Galerie KIN, 2015
Solo exhibitions
2021 - Resort Off, Dům Radost, Prague, CZ
2020 - Ski slope from the road, Zelený domeček, Police nad Metují, CZ
2019 – The reflection of the place, 2019 in Prague, Gallery Vyšehrad, CZ
2018 - Keep eye to the car park, Gallery 35 m 2, Prague, CZ
2017 - Hotel in the forest, Fiducia Gallery, Ostrava CZ
2016 - It could be also something else, Kotelna Gallery, Rícany, CZ
2016 - The ball on the curt can be also the cabin on the meadow, Nau Gallery, Prague, CZ
2015 - Beyoond the brunches, Prostor Gallery, Liberec, CZ
2016 - The forest of mr. Liška, KIN Gallery, Prague, CZ
Group exhibitions
2019 – Metronome festival, Prague, CZ
2019 - Just kids, The Chemistry gallery, Prague, CZ
2018 - What are woods thining about, OGV Gallery, Jihlava, CZ
2017 - Landscape, Gallery Nová, Prague, CZ
2016 – Quarry/ On the border, Gallery of Art critics, Palace Adria, Prague, CZ
2016 - Tree, Slovácké muzeum Gallery, Uherské Hradište, CZ
2016 - It, Off Format Gallery, Brno, CZ
2015 - Grenznah, Školská Gallery, Prague, CZ
2014 - Czech painting, Fontána Gallery, Piešťany, SK
2014 - Leinemann Stiftung. Berlin, DE
2014 - Diploma exhibition National Gallery - veletržní Palace, Prague, CZ